06 October 2012

London Again and Les Misérables

So one of the good things about living so close to London is that you can decide the day before to go on a day trip to London and then go buy a train ticket in the morning and just go.  So yesterday I went to London for a second time!  This time was to do more of the touristy stuff.  We saw some of the stuff we saw the other day, Big Ben, The London Eye, and other stuff.  We also went into Westminster Abbey!  It was fantastic! It is so big and beautiful and so many famous people are entombed there.  Which does make it a bit creepy but really cool at the same time to see where Chaucer and Handel and other people, including monarchs, are buried.  It's just overall really cool!  After that we spent forever trying to find something to eat and after walking along the Thames for a while we decided to eat at some food stands by the river. After we walked a bit further and went to the Tate Modern, which is a modern art museum.  It was really interesting but I'm not a huge modern art fan.  After that we headed back to pick up tickets for Les Mis!  Which was fantastic! (but we'll get to that later) Well there really isn't much else.  We found a random restaurant to eat then went to the theatre and Christen and I went to the show and everyone else went home soon later.

Les Mis was fantastic!!! I have wanted to see it for years.  I've listened to the music, started the book, restarted the book, read the abridged, restarted the book again, watched the movie but it's nice to actually get to see it.  The story is fantastic and the music is amazing!!!  I could go on and on.  It was beautiful.  I still love Eponine even though she is a very depressing character (granted the musical is called "the miserable ones").  Marius was fantastic too!  I basically just loved it!  I think I'll just have to go see it again.  And I can't wait for the movie.  (though i doubt it will be as good as it is live)

After we kinda had to run out of the theatre, to the underground, and get to the train station so we could catch the 11:15 train home.  And we made it with time to spare!  Oh the fun of day trips to London!

It doesn't feel like I did a ton on this trip but it was a great one.  I really did do and see a lot.  I saw Big Ben, The London Eye, Westminster Abbey, the Shard, Buckingham Palace, a bridge that we recognized from harry potter, tower bridge (from a distance) and really a lot.  And Les Mis!  It was great!

It was a great trip!  I've got a few days back here in Oxford and Thursday I leave for Spain!  I'm so excited!!!

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