So I'm just finally getting around to posting about this last weekend. I've been pretty busy. So here goes. Last Friday we took a train into London for a project. In groups we chose an area of London to be participant observers in. I went to Brick Lane in the borough Tower Hamlets. Brick Lane is a road that on (and in the surrounding area is a Bangladeshi population. The street signs are written in both English and Bengali. It was really interesting. We also had curry because there is quite a lot in Brick Lane. It was quite good. After the project we went around London a bit (since it was my first official time to go since I don't count the airport) We road the underground a lot, went to herrods, and then on the way to chipotle (we needed mexican food) we saw some of the sights in passing like Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, The London Eye, Downing Street, Trafalgar street and other stuff. But really just in passing. And then we went to see Wicked and had to run to catch the last train that day back to Oxford so we didn't have to pay for a ticket back.
We had gotten back to Oxford pretty late Friday night/early Saturday morning and so I was pretty tired. But in the morning I got an email saying that there was an extra ticket to a football match in Reading. And so I went! And it was fantastic! We were on the second row and it was great! The match was Reading and Newcastle and they tied but it was still a great match. So that took up a considerable part of the day Saturday so I spent Sunday doing a lot of homework.
I know that wasn't very informational but I have a lot of homework tonight. So here are some pictures.
Platform 9 3/4
Brick Lane
The Underground
Big Ben
So there it is. My first trip to London. I'm planning on going again to spend some more time in London because it's really fun and awesome!
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