So today is my last day in the UK. Tomorrow I head back home. I'm super excited to see my family and friends and I've missed them so much! It still is sad to leave. I hope I can come back and visit England again someday! I've had so much fun and it feels like home away from home! I'm so blessed to have been able to spend this time here! I have grown so much as a person and this experience has been good for me! And not to mention it's been a blast!
I've been so blessed to get to know and live with my fellow study abroad students! I knew a few before and it's been good to know them better as well as meet new people and grow close to them! I'm not going to lie it's not always easy and there has been some tension, but it could have been a lot worse, and I love all these people and I'm so glad that I've been able to know them and I'm excited to see them around junior year.
I've done so many cool things and have visited so many cool places. I got to go to Norway which was such a blessing and a dream come true! I still can't believe that I was able to do that and it was fantastic! I got to go to Spain and practice my Spanish! I also got to go all over Germany and France, and be in three countries in one day! I just think of all the things I've done this semester. I think it's easy to think about the things I didn't get to do. But it's better to think about what I did get to do. I didn't get to go to Scotland like I wanted to, but I got to go to Wales and absolutely loved it! I didn't get to go to Prague, but I got to go to Berlin! I didn't get to go to Seville or Grenada in Spain but I got to go to Madrid and Barcelona! It's all been fantastic! It's hard to chose a favourite city...people have asked me which city was my favourite and that's really hard. I like them for different reasons. I love London! It's so iconic and it's just pretty awesome! I loved Oslo and love Norway! I loved Berlin because of the history. I loved Madrid because of the architecture and the Spanish. I loved Paris because I could relate it to what I was reading in Les Miserables. I loved Brussels because of chocolate and waffles! Ok not just that Brussels is just cool! I loved Cardiff because it was so different than what I expected and the Welsh are pretty awesome! Etc. Etc. Etc. So I don't have a favourite city that I visited. Maybe Oxford. But that's because I really got to know this city!
Tomorrow I head home! This time has flown by but yet it seems like forever that we arrived in Oxford, went to Dorchester, and now it seems like it's been forever since I went to Norway. Yeah I'm going to have to go back to Norway! I've loved being here and it's been a great experience! Now I go home for a month and then head off on my next adventure! Montevideo!
That's so awesome!